The University Pediatric Hospital (El Hospital
Pediátrico Universitario), Dr. Antonio Ortiz (HOPU),
it is the only supra-tertiary pediatric hospital in Puerto Rico where the most complicated health patients are treated. In addition, it is the teaching hospital of the University of Puerto Rico where our future doctors are trained.


To care for, heal and educate the pediatric patient following the highest standards of quality, excellence and safety.

To be leaders in the provision of health services to the pediatric population, through innovation, research and development of professionals who seek the health, safety and well-being of our children.

Collaboration: We work together with families, educational institutions, and community foundations to offer comprehensive health care.
Responsibility: We carry out our work with ethics and professionalism, always seeking the health of patients.
Excellence: We are committed to following the highest standards of quality and safety.
Empathy: We treat everyone with compassion, respect, and fairness, valuing diversity in order to meet the individual and collective needs of our community. (CREE- means to believe)

Services offered by the University Pediatric Hospital in Medical Center (HOPU):
It offers all subspecialties 24/7.
It exclusively treats the most critical and complicated pediatric cases in the country.
It houses the only Pediatric Dialysis Center
in P.R.
It is the only health institution that offers neurosurgery specialists for neonatal patients.
The hospital receives about 8,500 patients annually.

Pediatric Emergencies
Medical, surgical, dental and maxillofacial
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Level 4
Supra-tertiary Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit
Dialysis Unit
Oncology Unit
Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
Pediatric and Subspecialty
Surgical Services
Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Urology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Maxillofacial, Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Specialty Services
Genetics, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology
Pediatric Physiatry Service
Radiology and Pediatric Interventional Radiology Service
Pediatric Nutrition Service
High-Risk Clinics
Auditory Screening
Visual screening
Biopsychosocial Clinic
Monitoring of Abused Children
Wound and Burn Service
Pediatric Psychiatry Service
Neonatal Screening Service
Speech Pathology Service
Audiology Service
To contact the University Children's Hospital:
Hospital telephone (787) 474-0333
Outpatient Services (787)474-0333 Ext. 7286
To make appointments at the Image Center you must send an email to cimagenes@hopu.pr.gov